Ruth Banks’ Week in Chicago

It has taken me approximately ten years to visit the city where the dance originated – Chicago. I began visualizing my first trip to the Mecca of Stepping. For sure, my first visit was not going to be for an event. I also wanted to go when I could trust my dance. I began priding myself on being able to follow various leaders locally and other steppers from afar. Ready to test my dance skills with the Chicago gents, I set out to do so in late August! A friend who knew this trip was on my bucket list helped make it happen. He knew I loved the dance and often spoke of this trip.

My excitement started the minute of wheels up heading towards Chicago to arrive on Sunday evening. I was already dressed, and ready to meet my friends Jay Shepard and Cheryl Russom at the Grand Ballroom. After picking up my rental, I headed for my first dance experience at the Grand Ballroom straight from the airport. I lost my mind in dance the first night. As I imagined, I danced with countless guys. I danced with Scorpio, who swept me into trusting the dance. I had great fun. The folks were welcoming. I felt very comfortable and looked forward to the rest of the week. Dancing to old school, new school, and others…I just followed. It was fun!
On Monday, I went to the infamous 50 Yard Line! I saw and reintroduced myself to DJ Sam Chatman and reminded him of the history of stepping knowledge he passed on to me years ago. I was ecstatic about dancing with folks that night. Also surprised to run into folks I did know, I ran into Choc James and Antonio Allen. I had lovely, healthy, sweaty dances that night. I seriously got it in. It was also a great learning opportunity. I had the opportunity to observe and discuss other styles of stepping in conversation. An old-schooler shared their view of the dance and pointed out the different styles. I received positive feedback on my dance.
On Tuesday, I met #teamnosleep and Jay Sheppard at the Harbor or Yacht Club. That was a remarkable experience dancing outside on the pier. It started raining. Not just raining, it was thundering, and lighting. Folks kept dancing until the rain let up for us to make a dash to the car. We were heading to the infamous Blue Note with DJ Tony. I asked Jesus to take the wheel, and it stopped raining as we neared the Blue Note. Yes. It was great! The dances were so much fun. My next bucket list Chicago Stepping dance club checked off. The Blue Note. These guys were blowing up my head, saying they didn’t know we could dance in… I saw a couple look at me with the side-eye until they observed my dance. OMG! So much fun.

On Wednesday I met #teamnosleep and Jay at the Entrance. I ran into a familiar face from Los Angeles. Reggie….ooo wee… It was like being back in LA dancing with him. I was also quite excited to dance with one of my stepper bucket list Facebook friends. I had always said to him, “When I get to Chicago I want to dance with you!” And I did. It was an honor to meet and dance with “we wash our hands friend Tony Gifted Johnson.” I recognized and acknowledged him first. Also memorable was that I danced again with Scorpio several times before someone told me who he was! He is indeed a Gentleman Stepper Legend. Before I knew who he was, I had fun dancing with him. I told him so. He probably thought, “This girl has lost it.” He didn’t give off a vibe of superiority. All of the Chicago fellows gave me great dances. This trip was indeed my ideal “first time to Chicago to dance” trip! Chicago was how I expected my first time no fanfare, no special events.
On Thursday, we met at the Grand Ballroom. I’m running out of clothes! Lol. I am determined not to purchase anything and make do with what I bought. At the party, I met and danced with another Chicago Facebook friend Gerald Howard. I think he recognized me. It was nice to meet folks in person that I knew only through Facebook. Reggie and I shared a few dances like old times in Los Angeles. I stay with #teamnosleep that night until the house music. I met new friends throughout the week.
On Friday, the plan was to attend a stepping contest with $5,000 in cash prizes. For the rest of my Chicago trip, I danced and went to the beach. I didn’t know or think about the beach as a part of my Chicago experience. Courtesy of a Chicago native, I attended the Stepping Contest at the Grand Ballroom on Friday evening.
I had mixed emotions about this event. The vibes were very different than the crowds at other sets during the week. During the week, the crowd appeared much more fun and down-to-earth. Thank God my whole week’s dancing vibe was not like Friday night! Friday night might have been different to me if I had come in specifically for this event. However, I was looking for the same fun and freedom I experienced during the week. I got what I sought from the Chicago dance community and gained an understanding of its social structure. Friday made me realize there is more to my social life than dance. All dance communities have the same issues.
Enjoying Other Parts of Illinois
I explored other parts of Illinois, and I enjoyed Saturday Afternoon in Crete with a friend and his family. My festivities included backyard swimming, the hot tub, and some dancing. I will return to Chicago one day sooner than later. Thanks again, #teamnosleep and Jay Sheppard, for making my maiden voyage to Chicago to dance happened. To my family who put up with my coming and goings thanks for your support.