Home » Chicago Stepping Classes

When visiting Chicago, stop by a class to add to your dance. Many instructors offer classes for Chicago Stepping in ‘The Mecca of Stepping.’ Below, you’ll find a directory of regularly scheduled classes.

Develop a solid foundation, personal style, footwork, and illusions. Here is a list of stepping classes in Chicago.

Chicago Stepping classes every day of the week

Five considerations for learning Stepping in Chicago

  1. Chicago Stepping Variations: Chicago Stepping includes diverse styles such as New School, Old School, and blends of both. Each instructor brings their unique approach, so explore different classes to find a style that resonates with you.
  1. Don’t Miss Walking Classes: In Chicago, you’ll often see Walkers, as walking is a vital part of the Stepping culture. Be sure to take a walking class while in the city—it’s not as widely taught as Stepping but is equally important.
  1. Choosing an Instructor: If you’re unsure which instructor to learn from, observe dancers at a set. If you admire someone’s style, ask them about their instructor. Great instructors often produce exceptional students.
  1. Learning Curve Differences: Beginners learning Stepping outside of Chicago often have a different learning curve than those in Chicago, who are immersed in the dance daily. Don’t be discouraged if Chicago dancers view your skills as beginner level when you thought you were intermediate—it’s common.
  1. Make the Most of a Chicago Visit: To bridge any learning gaps and elevate your skills, take a Stepping class in Chicago when you get the chance. It’s an experience you won’t regret!

Get ready for Chicago

Everything to find the most dance opportunities for steppers in Chicago.

No matter where you’re coming from, there are many ways to get to Chicago. Whether you prefer to travel by plane, train, or automobile, explore your options and find the best way to start your journey to the heart of stepping culture!

Stepper Sets. Step with Chicago locals and other visiting steppers any day of the week. Dance with people you may only see in Chicago. Find sets and parties.

Learn from the questions and experiences from other steppers.